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Conversations with Other E-Smokers
An Opinion Piece By E Cig Cabin’s Own Tyler Bullock!
Recently I have run into a couple of electronic cigarettes smokers when I’m out and about, and I’ve had some pretty interesting conversations about e-cigarettes with them. I learned quite a bit about how devoted tobacco smokers feel about e-cigarettes, as well as what different people like about them. So how do you think e-cigs are fitting into popular society? Do you think tobacco smokers are going to start switching over? Post your comments in the comment section! Here’s what I heard from two casual e-smokers about how they perceive electronic cigarettes.
The Gas Station Clerk
I have to admit something to you guys. Yesterday I walked into a local gas station and bought a * gasp * disposable electronic cigarette. I’m not proud of it, but I have a reason. All of my batteries were uncharged and I was already in there to buy a Monster Rehab energy drink anyway.
I walked in and saw a beautiful, colorful e-cigarette display, so I asked the cashier if I could buy one. She took it down, showed me all the flavors and pointed out the ones that had “more puffs” in them than the others. She seemed pretty excited about these e-cigarettes, so as I was deciding, I commented,
“These things [e-cigarettes] are getting really popular.”
She replied back, “Yeah I know! You can smoke them anywhere!” She gets it. One of the great beauties of e-cigarettes is the ability to smoke wherever you want, especially indoors.
I ended up with a pink colored, strawberry-kiwi flavored generic disposable. “I bought that one yesterday!” she exclaimed when I picked it out. As I walked out, she joked, “You’re going to get all the ladies with that pink e-cig!”
I took from this conversation that she appreciate e-cigarettes because they are both convenient and sexy compared to tobacco. I was excited to have this conversation with someone who wasn’t an electronic cigarette aficionado like myself, just somebody that casually used them.
I was also actually semi-excited to see how my new purchase would taste and work. Unfortunately, it never even worked at all. I tried again and again to get it to create vapor, but there was something seriously wrong with it. So I went home, hooked up my V2 e-cigarette and enjoyed a real vaping experience.
So this particular person enjoyed the fact that you can smoke while you’re tending to the counter at the gas station. She also loved the different flavor options. Unfortunately, I don’t think she saw e-cigs as a real replacement for tobacco cigarettes. I saw her when I drove by later, smoking a real tobacco cigarette on her break. Bummer. But at least she is cutting down on tobacco usage by using them. I feel like she would really be able to quit tobacco if she knew about great brands like V2, Smokeless Image or Vapor4Life.
Graduation Party Mom
A few days later, I ran into one of my friend’s moms at a graduation party in town. As we were sitting around a bonfire, I noticed she was puffing away on an electronic cigarette! We started up a conversation about my experience as a reviewer and she talked about how it had affected her life.
She has a young daughter, around age 9, and she told me that “smoking” e-cigarettes made her feel much better about a lot of things to do with that. Most importantly, she didn’t have to worry about second-hand smoke! She was always worried that she was harming her daughter when she was constantly smoking tobacco around her, but now that she is only inhaling and exhaling vapor, she has a lot less to worry about.
She also told me that she didn’t have to worry about getting a horrible disease like lung cancer and leaving her daughter alone. She is a single parent and it would be disastrous if she passed away from a stupid tobacco habit to leave her daughter alone in this world.
I seriously enjoyed my conversation with this woman and all the insights she had about electronic cigarettes. She showed me that they’re more than just a hobby, they represent a lifestyle change that really helps to end the horrible effects of tobacco smoke. I ended up supplying her with a bunch of refills for her Smokeless Image VOLT e-cig that I had lying around so she could be in good supply.
Final Thoughts
Both of these interactions helped me realize a few things about e-cigarettes. The first is that these things are medical breakthroughs! They are saving the lives of parents and kids at the same time. They are creating a safer and better world.
But I also realized that quality control needs to be increased. The gas station clerk is almost there, but she should be using awesome brands like V2 Cigs so that she can quit tobacco completely. These low-quality options on the market aren’t really helping.
I rarely run into e-smokers in my day-to-day life, but these two conversations were really awesome and I hope to have more in the coming months.
The post What Do REAL E Cig Users Say appeared first on E Cig Cabin.